Monday, April 26, 2010

How do you get your hair & makeup like this?with pic

i know she must have a lot of people to do it for her but basically, how do you do it?;imgrefurl=;h=1599%26amp;w=1600%26amp;sz=13%26amp;hl=en%26amp;start=20%26amp;um=1%26amp;tbnid=YkpYzUMPS9czTM:%26amp;tbnh=150%26amp;tbnw=150%26amp;prev=/images?q=miley+cyrus+7+things+music+video%26amp;start=18%26amp;ndsp=18%26amp;um=1%26amp;hl=en%26amp;client=firefox-a%26amp;channel=s%26amp;rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official%26amp;sa=NHow do you get your hair %26amp; makeup like this?with pic
eyes: it looks like a dark brown or gray eyeliner on the top and bottom eye lids. A dark brown eyeshadow on the lid of your eye then a medium brown in the crease and take a really light kinda shimmery nude color and apply it right under your eye brows.

For her blush it looks like a pink blush and for the lips a nude lip gloss would do the trick.

As for the hair put large curlers in it. Then when you take them out just go over it with a curling iron for a little more curl and spray with some hair spray.How do you get your hair %26amp; makeup like this?with pic
light foundation

peach blush

1 coat of mascara

a light color lip gloss

mocha eyeliner

brow color

light brown eyeshadow
girl you dont want makeup like that. go for a smokey eyed look with nude lips. (: that looks natural. skin tone eyeshadows with a lil pink lipgloss. and the hair is curled
Either try curling your hair yourself

orrr go to a plce like mac and show them the pic ditto with the hair

but wat is up with her face LOOOOLAGE!
wow she looks so pretty go to a dept stoe and take a picture with you and ask them for a make over

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